1 분 소요

Week 4 task of Stanford CS244n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning


Constituency Structure

Constituency Structure parses a sentence into nested constituents
to figure out the structure of the sentence.

For instance,

John hit the ball

  1. Identify the noun (N) from sentence (S) = “John”
  2. Identify the verb (V) from verb phrase (VP) = “hit”
  3. Identify the detrient (D) from Noun phrase (NP) = “the”
  4. Label each phrases and represent the relationship using a tree diagram

Constituency Structure has its usage on understanding sentence structures.

Dependency Structure

Dependency Structure has its usage on understanding relationship between vocabularies.

  1. The Arrow heads from “head” to “dependent”.
  2. The Label above the arrow indicates the dependency between vocabularies.
  3. To make all words dependent, add one or more fake ROOTs.
  4. Arrows do not cycle (if A -> B, then B !-> A)

Transition-based Dependency Parsing

Transition-based parser determines the dependency of two words in a sequential order.

$c = (\sigma, \beta, A)$ where $\sigma$ = STACK, $\beta$ = BUFFER, $A$ = Set of Arcs

All decisions are made from $f(c)$ which inputs State (c) in a BUFFER.

  1. ROOT / I ate fish / X

  2. ROOT I / ate fish / X

Decision Process : Shift

  1. ROOT I ate / fish / X

Decision Process : Shift -> Shift

  1. ROOT ate / fish / (ate, nsubj, I)

Decision Process : Shift -> Shift -> Left-Arc (nsubj)

  1. ROOT ate fish / X / (ate, nsubj, I)

Decision Process : Shift -> Shift -> Left-Arc (nsubj) -> Shift

  1. ROOT ate / X / (ate, nsubj, I) (ate, dobj, fish)

Decision Process : Shift -> Shift -> Left-Arc (nsubj) -> Shift -> Right-Arc (dobj)

  1. ROOT / X / (ate, nsbj, I) (ate, dobj, fish) (ROOT, root, ate)

Decision Process : Shift -> Shift -> Left-Arc (nsubj) -> Shift -> Right-Arc (dobj) -> Right-Arc (root)
